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  • 03:24, 7 November 2024Slime (hist | edit) ‎[1,306 bytes] (talk) (Created page with "<!-- LTC_C_Autogen AUTOGENERATED DO NOT REMOVE THESE SECTION --> {{Spawners | Codename=spawner_cp_slime | Name=Slime | Age=Unknown | Job=Unknown | IsUnique=undefined | MainWeapon=undefined | RarelyHasMainWeapon=1 | SecondWeapon=undefined | RarelyHasSecondWeapon=1 | Species=species_neurobiote | Faction=faction_wild | Brain=ss_brain_wander_mk1 | Head=undefined | Body=ss_animal_sucker | MinLevel=1 | MaxLevel=2 | HasBounty=false | BountyValue=0 }} == Info == No information k...")
  • 03:23, 7 November 2024PC Rouge (hist | edit) ‎[1,164 bytes] (talk) (Created page with "<!-- LTC_C_Autogen AUTOGENERATED DO NOT REMOVE THESE SECTION --> {{Spawners | Codename=spawner_redtown_police_chief | Name=Rouge | Age=Unknown | Job=police chief | IsUnique=1 | MainWeapon=ss_weapon_sawnoff | RarelyHasMainWeapon=1 | SecondWeapon=ss_weapon_sin_baton | RarelyHasSecondWeapon=1 | Species=species_founderkin | Faction=faction_civilian | Brain=ss_brain_clone_mk1 | Head=ss_mask_deathspawneye | Body=ss_sin_armor | MinLevel=3 | MaxLevel=10 | HasBounty=false | Bount...")
  • 03:23, 7 November 2024Redtown Barrel Smuggler (hist | edit) ‎[1,144 bytes] (talk) (Created page with "<!-- LTC_C_Autogen AUTOGENERATED DO NOT REMOVE THESE SECTION --> {{Spawners | Codename=spawner_redtown_questgiver | Name=Bogga | Age=Unknown | Job=Smuggler | IsUnique=1 | MainWeapon=ss_weapon_antique_rifle | RarelyHasMainWeapon=0 | SecondWeapon=undefined | RarelyHasSecondWeapon=1 | Species=species_clone | Faction=faction_civilian | Brain=ss_brain_clone_mk1 | Head=ss_mask_deathspawneye | Body=ss_body_smoker | MinLevel=1 | MaxLevel=5 | HasBounty=false | BountyValue=0 }} ==...")
  • 01:59, 7 November 2024Truthseeker Mask (hist | edit) ‎[359 bytes] (talk) (Created page with "<!-- LTC_C_Autogen AUTOGENERATED DO NOT REMOVE THESE SECTION --> {{Masks | Codename=ss_mask_truthseeker | Sprite=sprite_truthseeker_mask | Weight=3 | Slots=mask | BlockWidth=2 | BlockHeight=2 | Value=1000 }} == Info == A ghost white mask and hood, perfect for an assassin cosplay. <!-- LTC_C_Autogen_End -->")
  • 01:59, 7 November 2024Sharpshooter Mask (hist | edit) ‎[380 bytes] (talk) (Created page with "<!-- LTC_C_Autogen AUTOGENERATED DO NOT REMOVE THESE SECTION --> {{Masks | Codename=ss_mask_sharpshooter | Sprite=sprite_sharpshooter_mask | Weight=3 | Slots=mask | BlockWidth=2 | BlockHeight=2 | Value=1000 }} == Info == A mask forged from abitrary peices of sickly skin and aim-enhancing technology. <!-- LTC_C_Autogen_End -->")
  • 01:59, 7 November 2024Syndicate Hat (hist | edit) ‎[375 bytes] (talk) (Created page with "<!-- LTC_C_Autogen AUTOGENERATED DO NOT REMOVE THESE SECTION --> {{Masks | Codename=ss_mask_hat_syndicate | Sprite=sprite_syndicatehat_mask | Weight=3 | Slots=mask | BlockWidth=2 | BlockHeight=2 | Value=500 }} == Info == This is a stylish black hat known to be worn by members of the Syndicate. <!-- LTC_C_Autogen_End -->")
  • 01:59, 7 November 2024Syndicate Mask + Hat (hist | edit) ‎[369 bytes] (talk) (Created page with "<!-- LTC_C_Autogen AUTOGENERATED DO NOT REMOVE THESE SECTION --> {{Masks | Codename=ss_mask_syndicate_hat | Sprite=sprite_syndicate_hat_mask_ | Weight=3 | Slots=mask | BlockWidth=2 | BlockHeight=2 | Value=100 }} == Info == This is a mask made from gnarly peices of foreign flesh and skin. <!-- LTC_C_Autogen_End -->")
  • 01:59, 7 November 2024Syndicate Cyborg Mask (hist | edit) ‎[413 bytes] (talk) (Created page with "<!-- LTC_C_Autogen AUTOGENERATED DO NOT REMOVE THESE SECTION --> {{Masks | Codename=ss_mask_syndicate_cyborg | Sprite=sprite_syndicate_cyborg_mask | Weight=3 | Slots=mask | BlockWidth=2 | BlockHeight=2 | Value=750 }} == Info == This is a mask made from gnarly peices of foreign flesh and skin, and some cybernetic augmentations. <!-- LTC_C_Autogen_End -->")
  • 01:59, 7 November 2024Syndicate Mask (hist | edit) ‎[357 bytes] (talk) (Created page with "<!-- LTC_C_Autogen AUTOGENERATED DO NOT REMOVE THESE SECTION --> {{Masks | Codename=ss_mask_syndicate | Sprite=sprite_syndicate_mask | Weight=3 | Slots=mask | BlockWidth=2 | BlockHeight=2 | Value=100 }} == Info == This is a mask made from gnarly peices of foreign flesh and skin. <!-- LTC_C_Autogen_End -->")
  • 01:59, 7 November 2024Mask of G (hist | edit) ‎[284 bytes] (talk) (Created page with "<!-- LTC_C_Autogen AUTOGENERATED DO NOT REMOVE THESE SECTION --> {{Masks | Codename=ss_mask_G | Sprite=sprite_G_mask | Weight=3 | Slots=mask | BlockWidth=2 | BlockHeight=2 | Value=4000 }} == Info == West side, baby! <!-- LTC_C_Autogen_End -->")
  • 01:59, 7 November 2024Gladiator Mask (hist | edit) ‎[317 bytes] (talk) (Created page with "<!-- LTC_C_Autogen AUTOGENERATED DO NOT REMOVE THESE SECTION --> {{Masks | Codename=ss_mask_gladiator | Sprite=sprite_gladiator_mask | Weight=3 | Slots=mask | BlockWidth=2 | BlockHeight=2 | Value=2000 }} == Info == Are you not entertained?! <!-- LTC_C_Autogen_End -->")
  • 01:59, 7 November 2024Sultan Mask (hist | edit) ‎[335 bytes] (talk) (Created page with "<!-- LTC_C_Autogen AUTOGENERATED DO NOT REMOVE THESE SECTION --> {{Masks | Codename=ss_mask_sultan | Sprite=sprite_sultan_mask | Weight=3 | Slots=mask | BlockWidth=2 | BlockHeight=2 | Value=4000 }} == Info == The mask of the infamous TAR Bandits leader, Sultan. <!-- LTC_C_Autogen_End -->")
  • 01:59, 7 November 2024Turkey Mask (hist | edit) ‎[343 bytes] (talk) (Created page with "<!-- LTC_C_Autogen AUTOGENERATED DO NOT REMOVE THESE SECTION --> {{Masks | Codename=ss_mask_turkey | Sprite=sprite_turkey_mask | Weight=3 | Slots=mask | BlockWidth=2 | BlockHeight=2 | Value=1000 }} == Info == A mask shaped like the head of a turkey; Smells like a bird. <!-- LTC_C_Autogen_End -->")
  • 01:59, 7 November 2024Bouffet Wig 2 (hist | edit) ‎[340 bytes] (talk) (Created page with "<!-- LTC_C_Autogen AUTOGENERATED DO NOT REMOVE THESE SECTION --> {{Masks | Codename=ss_item_mask_bouffet_wig_2 | Sprite=sprite_head_punk_yellow | Weight=undefined | Slots=mask | BlockWidth=2 | BlockHeight=2 | Value=2850 }} == Info == No information known <!-- LTC_C_Autogen_End -->")
  • 01:59, 7 November 2024Bouffet Wig (hist | edit) ‎[336 bytes] (talk) (Created page with "<!-- LTC_C_Autogen AUTOGENERATED DO NOT REMOVE THESE SECTION --> {{Masks | Codename=ss_item_mask_bouffet_wig | Sprite=sprite_head_punk_orange | Weight=undefined | Slots=mask | BlockWidth=2 | BlockHeight=2 | Value=2850 }} == Info == No information known <!-- LTC_C_Autogen_End -->")
  • 01:59, 7 November 2024Punk Marking 2 (hist | edit) ‎[344 bytes] (talk) (Created page with "<!-- LTC_C_Autogen AUTOGENERATED DO NOT REMOVE THESE SECTION --> {{Masks | Codename=ss_item_mask_punk_markings_2 | Sprite=sprite_head_punk_purple | Weight=undefined | Slots=mask | BlockWidth=2 | BlockHeight=2 | Value=2850 }} == Info == No information known <!-- LTC_C_Autogen_End -->")
  • 01:59, 7 November 2024Punk Marking (hist | edit) ‎[339 bytes] (talk) (Created page with "<!-- LTC_C_Autogen AUTOGENERATED DO NOT REMOVE THESE SECTION --> {{Masks | Codename=ss_item_mask_punk_markings | Sprite=sprite_head_punk_green | Weight=undefined | Slots=mask | BlockWidth=2 | BlockHeight=2 | Value=2850 }} == Info == No information known <!-- LTC_C_Autogen_End -->")
  • 01:59, 7 November 2024Santa Mask (hist | edit) ‎[325 bytes] (talk) (Created page with "<!-- LTC_C_Autogen AUTOGENERATED DO NOT REMOVE THESE SECTION --> {{Masks | Codename=ss_item_mask_santamask | Sprite=sprite_santamask | Weight=undefined | Slots=mask | BlockWidth=2 | BlockHeight=2 | Value=2850 }} == Info == No information known <!-- LTC_C_Autogen_End -->")
  • 01:59, 7 November 2024Skinbot Head (hist | edit) ‎[331 bytes] (talk) (Created page with "<!-- LTC_C_Autogen AUTOGENERATED DO NOT REMOVE THESE SECTION --> {{Masks | Codename=ss_item_mask_skinbothead | Sprite=sprite_skinbothead | Weight=undefined | Slots=mask | BlockWidth=2 | BlockHeight=2 | Value=2850 }} == Info == No information known <!-- LTC_C_Autogen_End -->")
  • 01:59, 7 November 2024Lokal head (hist | edit) ‎[316 bytes] (talk) (Created page with "<!-- LTC_C_Autogen AUTOGENERATED DO NOT REMOVE THESE SECTION --> {{Masks | Codename=ss_item_mask_lokal | Sprite=mask_lokal | Weight=undefined | Slots=mask | BlockWidth=2 | BlockHeight=2 | Value=undefined }} == Info == No information known <!-- LTC_C_Autogen_End -->")
  • 01:59, 7 November 2024Sphere head (hist | edit) ‎[318 bytes] (talk) (Created page with "<!-- LTC_C_Autogen AUTOGENERATED DO NOT REMOVE THESE SECTION --> {{Masks | Codename=ss_item_mask_spherehead | Sprite=mask_spherehead | Weight=0 | Slots=mask | BlockWidth=2 | BlockHeight=2 | Value=2850 }} == Info == No information known <!-- LTC_C_Autogen_End -->")
  • 01:59, 7 November 2024Robot Head (hist | edit) ‎[315 bytes] (talk) (Created page with "<!-- LTC_C_Autogen AUTOGENERATED DO NOT REMOVE THESE SECTION --> {{Masks | Codename=ss_item_mask_robothead | Sprite=mask_robothead | Weight=0 | Slots=mask | BlockWidth=2 | BlockHeight=2 | Value=3000 }} == Info == No information known <!-- LTC_C_Autogen_End -->")
  • 01:59, 7 November 2024Collector Mask (hist | edit) ‎[315 bytes] (talk) (Created page with "<!-- LTC_C_Autogen AUTOGENERATED DO NOT REMOVE THESE SECTION --> {{Masks | Codename=ss_item_mask_collector | Sprite=mask_collector | Weight=0 | Slots=mask | BlockWidth=2 | BlockHeight=2 | Value=1850 }} == Info == No information known <!-- LTC_C_Autogen_End -->")
  • 01:59, 7 November 2024Alex Head (hist | edit) ‎[312 bytes] (talk) (Created page with "<!-- LTC_C_Autogen AUTOGENERATED DO NOT REMOVE THESE SECTION --> {{Masks | Codename=ss_item_mask_alexhead | Sprite=mask_alexhead | Weight=0 | Slots=mask | BlockWidth=2 | BlockHeight=2 | Value=2450 }} == Info == No information known <!-- LTC_C_Autogen_End -->")
  • 01:59, 7 November 2024Farmer Hat (hist | edit) ‎[395 bytes] (talk) (Created page with "<!-- LTC_C_Autogen AUTOGENERATED DO NOT REMOVE THESE SECTION --> {{Masks | Codename=ss_mask_farmerhat | Sprite=mask_farmerhat | Weight=3 | Slots=mask | BlockWidth=3 | BlockHeight=3 | Value=850 }} == Info == A favourite of Yamakai farmers. This hat keeps you cool under the red sun and keeps the glare out of your eyes. <!-- LTC_C_Autogen_End -->")
  • 01:59, 7 November 2024Happy Mask (hist | edit) ‎[362 bytes] (talk) (Created page with "<!-- LTC_C_Autogen AUTOGENERATED DO NOT REMOVE THESE SECTION --> {{Masks | Codename=ss_mask_happymask | Sprite=mask_happymask | Weight=3 | Slots=mask | BlockWidth=3 | BlockHeight=3 | Value=950 }} == Info == Can't express how happy you are but want to tell the world? Try this new mask! <!-- LTC_C_Autogen_End -->")
  • 01:59, 7 November 2024Dead Head Face Mask (hist | edit) ‎[335 bytes] (talk) (Created page with "<!-- LTC_C_Autogen AUTOGENERATED DO NOT REMOVE THESE SECTION --> {{Masks | Codename=ss_mask_deadhead | Sprite=mask_throwbackmask | Weight=3 | Slots=mask | BlockWidth=2 | BlockHeight=2 | Value=400 }} == Info == The face of a Dead Head, offers little protection <!-- LTC_C_Autogen_End -->")
  • 01:59, 7 November 2024Deathspawn Mask (hist | edit) ‎[359 bytes] (talk) (Created page with "<!-- LTC_C_Autogen AUTOGENERATED DO NOT REMOVE THESE SECTION --> {{Masks | Codename=ss_mask_deathspawn | Sprite=mask_deathspawn | Weight=3 | Slots=mask | BlockWidth=3 | BlockHeight=3 | Value=2650 }} == Info == A mask fashioned from a deathspawn head. Truly the thing of nightmares. <!-- LTC_C_Autogen_End -->")
  • 01:59, 7 November 2024Deathspawn Eye (hist | edit) ‎[387 bytes] (talk) (Created page with "<!-- LTC_C_Autogen AUTOGENERATED DO NOT REMOVE THESE SECTION --> {{Masks | Codename=ss_mask_deathspawneye | Sprite=mask_deathspawneye | Weight=3 | Slots=mask | BlockWidth=1 | BlockHeight=1 | Value=1950 }} == Info == An eye from a deathspawn. Makes the wearer look quite creepy and increases ranged accuracy <!-- LTC_C_Autogen_End -->")
  • 01:59, 7 November 2024Western Hat and Mask (hist | edit) ‎[396 bytes] (talk) (Created page with "<!-- LTC_C_Autogen AUTOGENERATED DO NOT REMOVE THESE SECTION --> {{Masks | Codename=ss_mask_bandit_hatmask | Sprite=mask_bandit_hatmask | Weight=3 | Slots=mask | BlockWidth=3 | BlockHeight=3 | Value=1600 }} == Info == A has and mask to protect from the dust of the dead desert. Offers good protection from the heat <!-- LTC_C_Autogen_End -->")
  • 01:59, 7 November 2024Steam Glasses (hist | edit) ‎[344 bytes] (talk) (Created page with "<!-- LTC_C_Autogen AUTOGENERATED DO NOT REMOVE THESE SECTION --> {{Masks | Codename=ss_mask_steamglasses | Sprite=mask_steamglasses | Weight=3 | Slots=mask | BlockWidth=3 | BlockHeight=3 | Value=900 }} == Info == Antique glasses from the old world. Worn for style. <!-- LTC_C_Autogen_End -->")
  • 01:59, 7 November 2024Rancher Hat (hist | edit) ‎[338 bytes] (talk) (Created page with "<!-- LTC_C_Autogen AUTOGENERATED DO NOT REMOVE THESE SECTION --> {{Masks | Codename=ss_mask_ranchet | Sprite=mask_rancher | Weight=3 | Slots=mask | BlockWidth=2 | BlockHeight=2 | Value=1000 }} == Info == A ranchers hat, keeps the shade out and offers some cooling <!-- LTC_C_Autogen_End -->")
  • 01:59, 7 November 2024Bandana (hist | edit) ‎[314 bytes] (talk) (Created page with "<!-- LTC_C_Autogen AUTOGENERATED DO NOT REMOVE THESE SECTION --> {{Masks | Codename=ss_mask_bandana | Sprite=mask_bandana | Weight=1 | Slots=mask | BlockWidth=2 | BlockHeight=2 | Value=600 }} == Info == A bandana offering little protection <!-- LTC_C_Autogen_End -->")
  • 01:59, 7 November 2024Docoscope (hist | edit) ‎[365 bytes] (talk) (Created page with "<!-- LTC_C_Autogen AUTOGENERATED DO NOT REMOVE THESE SECTION --> {{Masks | Codename=ss_mask_docoscope | Sprite=mask_docoscope | Weight=3 | Slots=mask | BlockWidth=3 | BlockHeight=3 | Value=0 }} == Info == This removes flavour from the taste of air. Oh, and protects from hazardous smells. <!-- LTC_C_Autogen_End -->")
  • 01:59, 7 November 2024Eye Scanner (hist | edit) ‎[371 bytes] (talk) (Created page with "<!-- LTC_C_Autogen AUTOGENERATED DO NOT REMOVE THESE SECTION --> {{Masks | Codename=ss_mask_eyescanner | Sprite=mask_eyescanner | Weight=3 | Slots=mask | BlockWidth=3 | BlockHeight=3 | Value=1900 }} == Info == This removes flavour from the taste of air. Oh, and protects from hazardous smells. <!-- LTC_C_Autogen_End -->")
  • 01:59, 7 November 2024Staff Mask (hist | edit) ‎[356 bytes] (talk) (Created page with "<!-- LTC_C_Autogen AUTOGENERATED DO NOT REMOVE THESE SECTION --> {{Masks | Codename=ss_mask_staff | Sprite=mask_staff | Weight=3 | Slots=mask | BlockWidth=3 | BlockHeight=3 | Value=2250 }} == Info == This removes flavour from the taste of air. Oh, and protects from hazardous smells. <!-- LTC_C_Autogen_End -->")
  • 01:59, 7 November 2024Failed Clone Mask (hist | edit) ‎[362 bytes] (talk) (Created page with "<!-- LTC_C_Autogen AUTOGENERATED DO NOT REMOVE THESE SECTION --> {{Masks | Codename=ss_mask_failedclone | Sprite=mask_failedclone | Weight=3 | Slots=mask | BlockWidth=2 | BlockHeight=2 | Value=1000 }} == Info == Oh what the heck! This face is all disfigured and mutated. What horror! <!-- LTC_C_Autogen_End -->")
  • 01:59, 7 November 2024Sun Shades (hist | edit) ‎[384 bytes] (talk) (Created page with "<!-- LTC_C_Autogen AUTOGENERATED DO NOT REMOVE THESE SECTION --> {{Masks | Codename=ss_mask_sunshades | Sprite=mask_sunglasses | Weight=3 | Slots=mask | BlockWidth=3 | BlockHeight=3 | Value=800 }} == Info == Sun shades, mostly they just make you cool - but they also offer some assistance with ranged combat <!-- LTC_C_Autogen_End -->")
  • 01:59, 7 November 2024Plain Mask (hist | edit) ‎[404 bytes] (talk) (Created page with "<!-- LTC_C_Autogen AUTOGENERATED DO NOT REMOVE THESE SECTION --> {{Masks | Codename=ss_mask_plainmask | Sprite=mask_plainmask | Weight=3 | Slots=mask | BlockWidth=3 | BlockHeight=3 | Value=2400 }} == Info == A rather plain mask fashioned from hard materials, it should offer a little protection from damage but not the elements <!-- LTC_C_Autogen_End -->")
  • 01:59, 7 November 2024Junk Droid (hist | edit) ‎[368 bytes] (talk) (Created page with "<!-- LTC_C_Autogen AUTOGENERATED DO NOT REMOVE THESE SECTION --> {{Masks | Codename=ss_mask_junkdroid | Sprite=mask_junkdroid | Weight=3 | Slots=mask | BlockWidth=3 | BlockHeight=3 | Value=2200 }} == Info == This removes flavour from the taste of air. Oh, and protects from hazardous smells. <!-- LTC_C_Autogen_End -->")
  • 01:59, 7 November 2024Gas Mask (hist | edit) ‎[362 bytes] (talk) (Created page with "<!-- LTC_C_Autogen AUTOGENERATED DO NOT REMOVE THESE SECTION --> {{Masks | Codename=ss_mask_gasmask | Sprite=mask_gasmask | Weight=3 | Slots=mask | BlockWidth=3 | BlockHeight=3 | Value=2000 }} == Info == This removes flavour from the taste of air. Oh, and protects from hazardous smells. <!-- LTC_C_Autogen_End -->")
  • 01:59, 7 November 2024The Jester (hist | edit) ‎[335 bytes] (talk) (Created page with "<!-- LTC_C_Autogen AUTOGENERATED DO NOT REMOVE THESE SECTION --> {{Masks | Codename=ss_mask_thejester | Sprite=mask_thejester | Weight=3 | Slots=mask | BlockWidth=3 | BlockHeight=3 | Value=1600 }} == Info == The legendary fabled jester, worn by 'Sit sum can' <!-- LTC_C_Autogen_End -->")
  • 01:59, 7 November 2024Smokers Jacket (hist | edit) ‎[453 bytes] (talk) (Created page with "<!-- LTC_C_Autogen AUTOGENERATED DO NOT REMOVE THESE SECTION --> {{Body | Codename=ss_body_smoker | Sprite=body_smoker | Weight=2 | Slots=body | BlockWidth=3 | BlockHeight=3 | Value=1350 | Thread_BluntReduction=5 | Thread_BallisticReduction=5 | Thread_SharpReduction=5 | Thread_TempHeat=10 | Thread_TempCold=-10 }} == Info == A smoker, will keep you slightly protected from the weather <!-- LTC_C_Autogen_End -->")
  • 01:59, 7 November 2024Truthseeker Coat (hist | edit) ‎[379 bytes] (talk) (Created page with "<!-- LTC_C_Autogen AUTOGENERATED DO NOT REMOVE THESE SECTION --> {{Body | Codename=ss_body_truthseeker | Sprite=body_truthseeker | Weight=10 | Slots=body | BlockWidth=3 | BlockHeight=3 | Value=250 }} == Info == A ghost white coat, the inside is lined with sharp tinfoil. Great for conspiracy theories. <!-- LTC_C_Autogen_End -->")
  • 01:59, 7 November 2024Office Suit (hist | edit) ‎[355 bytes] (talk) (Created page with "<!-- LTC_C_Autogen AUTOGENERATED DO NOT REMOVE THESE SECTION --> {{Body | Codename=ss_body_office | Sprite=body_office | Weight=10 | Slots=body | BlockWidth=3 | BlockHeight=3 | Value=10 }} == Info == An extremely repetitive, morbid, corporate jumpsuit of pure existential suffering. <!-- LTC_C_Autogen_End -->")
  • 01:59, 7 November 2024Syndicate Suit (hist | edit) ‎[363 bytes] (talk) (Created page with "<!-- LTC_C_Autogen AUTOGENERATED DO NOT REMOVE THESE SECTION --> {{Body | Codename=ss_body_syndicate | Sprite=body_syndicate | Weight=10 | Slots=body | BlockWidth=3 | BlockHeight=3 | Value=1000 }} == Info == A black and stylish, yet bloody suit commonly worn by members of the Syndicate. <!-- LTC_C_Autogen_End -->")
  • 01:59, 7 November 2024Rags of G (hist | edit) ‎[396 bytes] (talk) (Created page with "<!-- LTC_C_Autogen AUTOGENERATED DO NOT REMOVE THESE SECTION --> {{Body | Codename=ss_body_g | Sprite=body_westside_G | Weight=10 | Slots=body | BlockWidth=3 | BlockHeight=3 | Value=4000 }} == Info == The outfit of the former leader of the (West)Landzo Union of Thugs. On the inside, it says: "West side iz di best! Booyakasha!" <!-- LTC_C_Autogen_End -->")
  • 01:59, 7 November 2024East Landzo Cloneshirt (hist | edit) ‎[482 bytes] (talk) (Created page with "<!-- LTC_C_Autogen AUTOGENERATED DO NOT REMOVE THESE SECTION --> {{Body | Codename=ss_body_cloneshirt_east | Sprite=body_east_cloneshirt | Weight=2 | Slots=body | BlockWidth=2 | BlockHeight=2 | Value=1100 | Thread_BluntReduction=0 | Thread_BallisticReduction=0 | Thread_SharpReduction=0 | Thread_TempHeat=0 | Thread_TempCold=0 }} == Info == A shirt worn by members by affiliates of the West-Landzo Ninjas. <!-- LTC_C_Autogen_End -->")
  • 01:59, 7 November 2024West Landzo Cloneshirt (hist | edit) ‎[467 bytes] (talk) (Created page with "<!-- LTC_C_Autogen AUTOGENERATED DO NOT REMOVE THESE SECTION --> {{Body | Codename=ss_body_cloneshirt_west | Sprite=body_west_cloneshirt | Weight=2 | Slots=body | BlockWidth=2 | BlockHeight=2 | Value=1100 | Thread_BluntReduction=0 | Thread_BallisticReduction=0 | Thread_SharpReduction=0 | Thread_TempHeat=0 | Thread_TempCold=0 }} == Info == The signature shirt of the Landzo Union of Thugs. <!-- LTC_C_Autogen_End -->")
  • 01:59, 7 November 2024Plain Gi (hist | edit) ‎[305 bytes] (talk) (Created page with "<!-- LTC_C_Autogen AUTOGENERATED DO NOT REMOVE THESE SECTION --> {{Body | Codename=ss_gi_plain | Sprite=body_gi_plain | Weight=10 | Slots=body | BlockWidth=3 | BlockHeight=3 | Value=10 }} == Info == Recon armor for the SinCorp faction. <!-- LTC_C_Autogen_End -->")
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